FEN Inosine Booster (120 caps.) (Inosine)
Extrifit Tribulus 90% 100 kaps (testosterone promoter)
Extrifit Hellgel, 80 g. (Pre-workout)
Extrifit EXPRESS ENERGY GEL, 80 g (energy product)
FEN ISO BCAA 300 g +300 g (BCAA powder with minerals)
Extrifit Hellgel, 25 packs of 80g each (Pre-workout)
FEN ISO BCAA 300 g (BCAA with minerals)
Fitness Authority 3R 400 g (amino acid complex)
Extrifit BCAA GT+ 80 g. (BCAA with L-glutamine)
Extrifit REGEL® 80 g x 25 pieces (gel for muscle restoration)
FEN Inosine Booster + FEN ZMB6 2 x 120 kaps (supplements set of endurance sports)
Extrifit REGEL® 80 g (gel for muscle restoration)
Produktus vartoju prieš sporto treniruotes. Skystis man subalansuoja virškinimo problema. Extrifit pagerina kūno raumenų darbą fizinio aktyvumo metu
Labai džiaugiuosi, kad jus radau. Gera kokybė.
Maloni medziaga, patogus marskineliai, prasau praneskite kai turesite be rankoviu marskinelius, didesniu dydziu, dekui, geru pardavimu!
FEN Protein Mix - baltyminis kokteilis (juodasis serbentas)
BAD ASS Pump Stim-Free 350 g (Pre-workout be kofeino)